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Romanze Nuove
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1. Le ali di un aquila (Mp3)
2. C’era la luna quella sera (Mp3)
3. Madre Teresa (Mp3)
4. L’uomo che ha stupito tutti (Mp3)
5. Il giardino dei sentimenti (Mp3)
6. La vita è bella insieme a Te (Mp3)
7. L’altra faccia della luna (Mp3)
8. L’uomo dei palloncini (Mp3)
9. Tu non eri con me (Mp3)
10. Mandami un messaggio (Mp3)

The CD “Romanze Nuove”
Romanza is "that musical magic in the air " that always distinguish itself in the grand opera from it’s most romantic composition and at the same time simple …"pleasant to hear". For this reason the last CD of the great Cecilia Gasdia is entitled with these two simple words: New Romanze.
Because the 10 songs, and all written by Nino Manna, for musics and by Tommaso Daniele, for the words, enclose the two main characteristics, the most typical "lyric" romanticism and the Italian melody … and at the same time, a new composition.
Among the ten songs of the disc, there is also a "swing" and three songs are inspired to three truly universal, religious personages... and catholics; even if their catholic belongings have crossed every border... these three people belong to all, to the world, beyond anyones religious feelings : Pope Giovanni XXIII, Mother Teresa from Calcutta and the Pope Giovanni Paul II.
The songs are intitled : "there was the moon that evening", "Mother Teresa" and "the man who has astonished all". Ten songs in this new CD of Cecilia Gasdia, great interpreter of grand operas interpreted to the four angles of the world and in the greatest theatres, ten new romanze in order to discover how much love still are... in the world and Italian music.

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