From the original soundtrack movie
directed by
musiccomposed and orchestrated by
a production by
Madeleine Srl / Istituto Luce-Cinecittà Srl
publishing by
Heristal Entertainment Srl
Rome Film Festival 2013
The realization of the music of " Letter to the President
" was a wonderful experience but also a great challenge
,friendship and the now long-standing working relationship
with the director (Marco Santarelli ) that were the perfect
fuel for this adventure.
The challenge has been to create more than 20 different songs
that accompany many letters and characters , trying to keep
a thread but without using a unique "theme", to
be declined in several scenes as such it is customary to do
in the composition of a soundtrack in "classic"
Faced with such a variety of characters, stories and settings
in my opinion it was impossible or perhaps I should say simplistic,
use a single style for the sound, so afters several attempts
, my choice was to mix the best sounds orchestral atmospheres
with each time different , from ambient , to electronics to
sampling , each specially " stitched " him to every
single character .
At some time of the work I realized , almost without intending
to, that i had composed a theme for each character , as I
feach letter was a micro- documentary , a small glimpse in
space and time on someone's life , a life that for me, deserves
more than a " variation on the maintheme " , which
is why each letter and / or character has his music.
And this is what I think is the greatest strength of this
work, the evocative power , the variety of sentiments expressed
in each letter , able to move , if only with images , even
the most aloof of the spectators , because each letter is
a piece of history of Italy and also , consequently, a small
piece of us .
Danilo Caposeno
Composer, bassist and sound designer, graduated from Saint
Louis College of Music, author of soundtracks for films, documentaries
and television commercials.
Since his childhood passionated of photography, and therefore
notable to separate the music from the pictures, the soundtrack
finding the perfect combination of motion picture film and
The nostalgic atmosphere and orchestral over time have become
his trademark, butt his has not prevented him from venturing
into the icy depths of electronics as well until pure experimentation
in the Berlin period.
Music for images in the broadest sense of the term, a music
that evokes the images, not simply to accompany them.