Voltaire: the shape and the thought
The european culture was crossed during the eighteenth century
by a great turmoil , which had its center in the France of
Voltaire : is the Age of Enlightenment , the century of absolute
confidence in human reason , called to enlighten people's
minds against the superstitions and prejudices , ideological
premise of the French Revolution . Hence the profound contemporary
critique of the idea of an absolute state , enemy of intellectual
autonomy of citizens.
Voltaire, a passionate advocate of religious tolerance and
human rights , should not be considered only the most important
personality of the Enlightenment, but especially the modern
prototype of the intellectual , fighting even against those
philosophical systems which considers too far away from real
life and based on abstract principles : therefore not so much
a philosopher , but rather a militant .
For Voltaire in fact the philosophy should not be an intellectual
adventure whose results should always arouse the doubt, but
given the increasingly resemble the natural sciences , to
be understood as an instrument of human emancipation , a means
to get rid of prejudices and a concrete well-being : thus,
for example , on the basis of the doctrine deist , recognizes
the existence of a higher being creator of the world (the
"great watchmaker " , he calls it ) , but refuses
to illustrate attributes , because for men with unintelligible
clarity ; likewise, denies the divine intervention in earthly
mathers according to non verifiable criterias , but rather
prefer to assign value to human actions in the light of their
effects on society. Even under the ethical point of view ,
therefore, does not resort to justifications of transcendent
order to explain the origin of evil , but we shall accept
as a natural part of the human condition .
Free humanity from superstition , to increase the wealth and
knowledge , progress towards universal civilization : this
was the project of the Enlightenment that inspired Voltaire
in his incessant campaigns against injustice and in its permanent
and violent criticism of the civil power and religious era.
The aim of all his work which was not in fact to re-establish
the European life on a different basis from those of absolutism
and Christianity.
Extreme dogmatic in his conception of civilization , was instead
extremely pragmatic and relativist as to the political forms
to take : the best regime remains for him the one that best
promotes civilization , but its nature depends, from the place
and circumstances.
For Voltaire the scope of the philosopher is in the actuality
in which intervene effectively, actively keeping faith with
the commitment that the role forces to, in order to improve
the lives of men : it is necessary to improve the social institutions
and defend the fundamental human rights, including first and
foremost the freedom of thought.
The primary interest that Voltaire has for the present , however,
does not lead to the devaluation of the story, which is always
at the center of his research : its rich historical project
, however, is based on the survey of the philosophical process
of civilization of mankind , which occurred through the ages
thanks to the guidance of reason.
The love of truth is a continuous revolution , which allows
to judge the historical revolutions for what they are worth
: happy when they involve a step forward, criminals when they
are bloody . All the work of Voltaire is dedicated to freedom,
that is his only reason for being and its largest and most
still relevant teaching.
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